FunCPU - Architecture

2015.10.14. 21:45 Budapesti álmodozó

The picture below depicts the overall architecture of the FunCPU. It employs a 8 bit wide databus and a 9 bit wide address bus. Please recall, that although the databus is 8 bits wide, due to the nature of the tagged architecture only 7 out of 8 bits can be used externally (i.e. by the program), and…

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Címkék: architecture functional programming funCPU functional cpu

FunCPU - Arithmetic Logic Unit

2015.10.11. 08:54 Budapesti álmodozó

The ALU module is very simple and straightforward. It is mounted together with the control board encoding logic on a single board. It performs a simple addition operation on the two operands as described in the following table. The two selector bits define the two input sources. ALU…

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Címkék: alu functional programming Homebrew CPU funCPU functional cpu arithmetic logic unit

Intefacing with the Functional CPU

2014.07.29. 22:32 Budapesti álmodozó

Now let us take a look at how the functional CPU (FunCPU for short) can be programmed in reality, from the programmer’s point of view.   This will be covered by looking at each gizmo  (i.e. button, switch, LED, etc.) on the front/control panel. On the bottom right side, the purpose of the…

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Címkék: functional programming Homebrew CPU funCPU control board

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