Homebrew CPU construction / házi készítésű processzor

Friss topikok

FunCPU - Computational Model

2014.07.13. 22:40 Budapesti álmodozó

As the computational model will be purely functional without any imperative elements (which could introduce side effects), a simple expression rewriting system will be adequate. User-defined functions will make up a library, which will in turn, also define the rewriting rules. Functions from…

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Címkék: expression evaluation functional programming funcpu rewrtiting computational model

FunCPU - Instruction set

2014.07.10. 21:42 Budapesti álmodozó

FunCPU will operate with 7-bit numerals (to understand why see the next couple of posts) and will directly support the following built-in functions: inc(x) is used for incrementing a value, that is for any x: x+1=inc(x). dec(x) is used for decrementing a value in the similar fashion. if-then-else…

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Címkék: functional programming FunCPU Homebrew CPU built-in functions

FunCPU - Goals

2014.07.09. 14:28 Budapesti álmodozó

It has been a long time since my last CPU project, which focused on a very simple 8 bit CPU. Nothing groundbreaking, just a very simple variation of an accumulator machine.  This time I have set out a different, more ambitious goal. I have wanted to create still something simple, but…

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Címkék: cpu homebrew functional programming unconventional Turing-complete

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